I've been thinking alot about all the books I read and want to read and should read. But it's really all about learning and sharing. Even our friend the head of a successful, growing company, husband, father and grandfather has this to say about growing.
We need to grow personally, our marriages need to keep growing, and our relationship with God needs to grow. So how are you doing in those three areas? Are you growing personally? What was the last book you read to grow your personal life? What was the last class you took to learn a new skill? How about with your marriage? Are you growing in your understanding of how to love and cherish your spouse? Have you read any books or attended any seminars to help your marriage go deeper? That is one area I have worked on and it is very helpful. Lots of great resources out there to help become better as a husband or wife. Of course, just reading is not the answer. We have to read and apply what we learn to make any difference at all.
And how about God? Are you growing in your walk with Him? If not, what steps are you taking to change that? Consider what scripture tells us in Revelation 3:16 when it says: “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth”. Think God doesn’t care about whether we are growing in our relationship with Him? Think again. It matters. It matters a lot. We need to get after going deeper with Him and get off the pew and into the game. Have you read the Book to help you grow your relationship with God? In case you have forgotten – it is called the Bible and was written as an instructional love letter to you and me. If you aren’t reading it daily – time to get started. If you aren’t writing down what God teaches you through reading – time to start that too. Today would be a good time to work on growing in all these areas. What is keeping you from it? Pride? Priorities? Laziness? There are no good excuses. We all need to grow in the areas that matter. I challenge you to get started on that journey today!