As I begin to write this post, I think what do I have to share that might be worth someone else reading? I just read a couple of great posts by people that I consider to be much better "writers" than me. But I learned from each of them. My friend Sara from shares snippets of daily life, reminding us that life is about family and friends, keep it simple. She has a gift of rejoicing in life, much like her mother who happens to be one of my great friends. Their family has encouraged our family for many years to enjoy one another often by spontaneously doing something, always accompanied by a lot of laughter and sometimes tears.
The other post I read this morning is from Janelle is a friend of one of my best friends. We have talked over the phone and exchange e-mails is years past. I've never met her face-to-face but I like her. She is a wife and mom like me. She loves her family and she loves God. She loves to learn about God and encourages others to do so too. But, like me, she doesn't just want to learn about God. She wants to know Him and live day to day with Him. So she shares her life. If you check out her most recent post you will see that she recently has had some really serious situations going on in her family's life, brain surgery for her daughter.
My recent situation, shoulder surgery for my husband pales in comparison, but it's "my" situation. The faith and trust factor is just as pertinent for me as it is for Janelle. The circumstances are just different. My daughter and I have often remarked of ourselves that we seem to have more faith/trust in the "big" things than we do in the day to day. Well, I have a chance to take a step of faith in the day to day right now. My husbands shoulder surgery went from the 80% prediction of no big deal to the 20% okay he has a rotator cuff tear and a bone spur. Both of which are now fixed, thank you Jesus (& Dr. G). Currently he's resting (thank you Jesus) in his recliner with a machine hooked up to him that provides compression to the area and icing automatically. Hmm, not what I expected as we now have months of recovery/rehab with some restrictions vs 3-4 weeks with no restrictions. But you know what? We prayed for God to protect and guide the surgeon. We prayed for complete healing and this is the outcome we received. So I'm believing that God is in control. This is what is needed. I am "fully persuaded that God is able to do that which He promised." (Romans 4:21 NIV) Am I disappointed? Yep, ask anybody who talked with me yesterday. Do I believe? Yep, ask me. I'll tell you.
So again, why am I writing? Because I believe that we all have disappointments and joys and that we can still believe through them. Especially when we are willing to be honest about it. Learning and growing in each situation we experience. It's easier when you have someone to walk through it with you. You realize you are not alone. You are not stupid for experiencing disappointment, doubt, frustration. You are a child of God growing up. So feel free to join me in learning through life. Because I am "fully persuaded that God is able to keep His promises."
"My story is important not because it is mine, God knows, but because if I tell it right, the chances are you will recognize that in many ways it is also yours. Maybe nothing is more important than that we keep track, you and I,of these stories of who we are and where we have come from and the people we have met along the way because it is precisely through these stories, in all their particularity,as I have long believed and often said, that God makes himself known to each of us most powerfully and personally." -Frederick Buechner
Disapointment is normal, everyone has it I'm having a bit myself right now. Just hold on to the core of your faith. Jesus came to save us from our sins not our circumstances. Don't let doubt creep in. Love you Mama,