The French philosopher, Pascal once said that each person is created with a lifelong deep desire for something more, and that longing is filled only by knowing God. Newsweek May 7, 2001 had an article entitled, "Your Brain on Religion". It stated that our brains are "hardwired" for God. Now some people say they don't believe in God or at least doubt His existence. They say therefore they don't have or don't need a "relationship" with God because He doesn't exist. I would challenge that. It's the Christmas season. Some people believe in Santa Claus, some doubt and some do not believe he exists at all. Their relationship or apparent lack thereof dictates alot of their actions and attitudes during December. Do they celebrate Christmas in any fashion? Do they buy gifts? If they do, how do they mark them, from themselves or from Santa? Do they watch the movies that involve Santa Claus and/or his elves?
In my opinion the same is true with God. If you choose to believe He does not exist that takes as much effort as believing He does. Do you avoid all church related activities, community service projects and holidays? Do you pick and choose a few that "do good" which over rules your disbelief in God? Do you just try to ignore all " religious" conversations?
I believe we were created for relationships with God, with others and with our self. Without any one of those we are unbalanced and often frustrated with life. Once I grasped that I need all three my life became more peace-filled.
It's the Christmas season there are lights and ornaments, Santa and mangers everywhere. Take some time this month to think about your relationship with God, with others, and with yourself. Does your life include all three? Should it?
"My story is important not because it is mine, God knows, but because if I tell it right, the chances are you will recognize that in many ways it is also yours. Maybe nothing is more important than that we keep track, you and I,of these stories of who we are and where we have come from and the people we have met along the way because it is precisely through these stories, in all their particularity,as I have long believed and often said, that God makes himself known to each of us most powerfully and personally." -Frederick Buechner
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