Kevin Torner shared this from the Napolean Hill Foundation
One of the primary motives for all action is love! It is the force that engages people and causes them to take immediate command of their time and talents. When we love individuals, family, friends, causes, etc., we are almost compelled to do whatever it takes to make dreams come true. All this talk about love causes one to wonder why we then put self-love on the back burner and allow the other "loves" of our life to take precedence over our own?
I would like to suggest that if we care for ourselves first, we then have a wellspring from which to draw in the care of others. By denying ourselves the common goodwill we extend to others, we are depleting ourselves and on our way to a personal meltdown. Take time to care for yourself and in doing so you will be better equipped to care for others.
In caring for yourself, have you done the following lately?
1. Taken a holiday of your own choosing?
2. Declined work when you were already overloaded?
3. Asked someone for help instead of shouldering the work on your own?
4. Granted yourself personal quiet time instead of filling every minute of each day with a time synchronized to-do list?
5. Turned down a request for a lunch date, get-together, or friend's night out just because you would rather do something else?
6. Read a book, watched a show, listened to a cd, took a walk, shopped where you wanted to, and ate what you wanted because it pleased you?
7. Created a day with your own agenda from morning to night?
8. Said "no" without feeling guilty or second-guessing your motives?
9. Considered what made you happy?
10. Planned for the future instead of dreading it?
If we give ourselves more to enjoy, we will be healthier, happier, and more terrific that we can even imagine. You have heard the financial concept of paying yourself first, right? Well, look to this day for you first, and do what it is that brings joy to your life. From this perspective, all things look more positive and appealing.
When we are "full", cared for we can fully care for others. "love your neighbor as yourself."