"My story is important not because it is mine, God knows, but because if I tell it right, the chances are you will recognize that in many ways it is also yours. Maybe nothing is more important than that we keep track, you and I,of these stories of who we are and where we have come from and the people we have met along the way because it is precisely through these stories, in all their particularity,as I have long believed and often said, that God makes himself known to each of us most powerfully and personally." -Frederick Buechner

Thursday, June 30, 2011

First of all I need to apologize for the long delay between messages. Let me assure it's not because there is nothing to "talk" about! Life is good and very full these days.  In amongst all of the activity it has become apparent to me that I need to "revamp" my timing and look of this blog. I'm very excited about the future of this blog. If you would join me in prayer regarding the ability of this blog to touch lives I would greatly appreciate it.

Here's just a quick thought from my friend Arlin who is traveling again. He meets with what he calls "peer groups" of businesses that get together quarterly and evaluate what, how and why they are doing things.  I think this is FANTASTIC and wish we would all do this in our personal lives.  Our small group is working in that direction. 
 Thoughts from Arlins meeting yesterday:

  As is always the case – a few of our recommendations focused on leadership and changes we suggested for the man at the top.  Companies really do take on the personality of their founders – and often they get stuck at different levels based on those things.  We have the same challenges in our spiritual lives.  We get into habits and ruts and can get stuck in our spiritual growth.  We hit a ceiling – and in order to change what is happening in our walk with God – we have to change what we do.  If we try to do that on our own – invariably we fall back into our old ways and remain basically stuck.  It usually takes the influence of others to help us break out of our spiritual ruts.  That is where a small group – a community of like-minded folks – can help us.  Do you have that support?  Is there anyone in your life who can help you break free from your habits?
In the book “Radical” – David Platt says he had to ask himself two questions about Jesus:
1.     Was I going to believe Jesus?  Was I going to embrace Jesus even though He said radical things that drove the crowds away?
2.     Was I going to obey Jesus?  Will I hear Jesus words and walk away, content to settle for less than radical obedience to Him?
It comes down to the words from that old hymn – trust and obey.  Do you?  We can choose to continue with business as usual in our Christian walk and in the church as a whole, enjoying success based on the standards defined by the culture around us.  Or we can take an honest look at the Jesus of the Bible and dare to ask what the consequences might be if we really believed Him and really obeyed Him.  That is by far the most exciting option.  Will you trust and obey?

This is the challenge for you to think about today.  Will you trust and obey whatever God has going in your life?  The option is to only do what you "understand" or think you can "handle".  That is a very narrow field to walk in. Our own vision is very limited due to our personality, upbringing and current circumstances. God is NOT limited.

Your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Humm I never thought about this kind of platu in my spiritual life. Something to think about forsure.
