I've done alot of reflecting this week. Last weekend after the wedding we attended we got to stay and worship with our old friends. Their new worship leader not only led worship but told his story. As the quote at the head of this blog says, it's often through our stories that we see God. I needed to hear his story. He spoke of a less than ideal childhood humanly speaking. However, it's apparent as he tells his story that he knows God protected him all along the way and has a purpose for his life. I'd like to tell you that after his less than ideal childhood, when he dedicated his life to Christ everything turned around and it's been "picture perfect" ever since. However, like many people can say these days, the loss of employment and therefore income can cause some very real stress and hardships. But God has a plan.
This is one of several things he said that really struck me. "As American Christians, we are totally uncomfortable with wandering. The American nature is to have purpose, drive, destination, mission, vision, constitutions, declarations. The American temperament gets prickly when our lives and our plans get waylaid by things we didn’t plan. Things we didn’t set out to do. We are at A. We want to get to B. Show me the straight line of how to get from here to there. We are never comfortable or content with “here.” We always want “over there.”
Hmmm, the American temperament...my temperament, "gets prickly when our lives and our plans get waylaid by things we didn't plan." You'd think that by the time you are as old as I am you would expect that things probably won't go as you planned. Somehow I seem to forget that more than I remember it.
For the entire past week, my devotions, random talks I've heard and several of my conversations have reminded me that God has a plan. There is no randomness about my life. My life is something God has planned. "your eyes saw my unformed body, All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16 NIV The moments that I am able to fully grasp that are the most amazing moments. I am filled with joy, peace and love knowing that God has me right where He wants me. It's my desire to live, trusting that more and more each day. When I do, I forget about "me" and enjoy my life, appreciating those around me so much more. I am truly blessed. I know that's a Christian cliche' but in my life, it's really true.
"My story is important not because it is mine, God knows, but because if I tell it right, the chances are you will recognize that in many ways it is also yours. Maybe nothing is more important than that we keep track, you and I,of these stories of who we are and where we have come from and the people we have met along the way because it is precisely through these stories, in all their particularity,as I have long believed and often said, that God makes himself known to each of us most powerfully and personally." -Frederick Buechner
I know that quote hit me hard too. I'm going to download it so Hubby and I can listen to it on the way to your place this weekend!