We had dinner with our kids last night, here at the house. We didn't "do" anything special. We just spent some time together. We talked. It was wonderful. Why? Because we love them and we want to be a part of their lives. We want to know them, know what's important to them, know what they like and what makes them laugh or cry. It takes time. A word we all use everyday and usually it's in the context of I "don't have enough of it" or "if I have time, I will..."
I'm thrilled to say I have 5 sister-in-laws. Over the years we've talked about parenting alot. What do you do when....? One of the discussions is always what activities should you encourage your kids to participate in and at what age. There are so many opinions but actions speak louder than words and society in general would tell you you need to expose your children to everything, all the time, as soon as possible. It's hard to do anything different because "they" tell you your kids will be "behind." What does that mean anyway, don't we all grow up at our own pace?
A friend of mine is a grandfather and just spent time with his two grandsons. He had this to say, looking back on the time with them and reflecting on his own parenting. Is it really necessary to be involved in everything, all the time? Wouldn’t some of that time be better spent connecting with people – mom and dad, grandpa and grandma, pastor, a mentor, or maybe just some other kids at home? I know this is counter cultural and some will immediately toss it aside – but Jesus was not about fitting in to whatever the world was doing. Are you using your 168 hours to make a difference? Or do you just fill the time with activity and don’t ponder what impact it is having? Just don’t let “good things” take the place of God’s things or the best things.
We're a part of God's family, His children. He wants us to enjoy life, using it to glorify Him and that doesn't mean every moment has to be full of activity. In fact, He's waiting to just spend time with us. He wants a relationship. He calls us His children, brothers and sisters, and friend. So how are you using your 24 hours in each day. Are you building relationships?
"My story is important not because it is mine, God knows, but because if I tell it right, the chances are you will recognize that in many ways it is also yours. Maybe nothing is more important than that we keep track, you and I,of these stories of who we are and where we have come from and the people we have met along the way because it is precisely through these stories, in all their particularity,as I have long believed and often said, that God makes himself known to each of us most powerfully and personally." -Frederick Buechner
I'm working on this, I'm kinda a homebody, I'm working on this daily with my hubby by talking during dinner not watching TV, and trying to keep up with my family on the phone not through e-mail.